Many times when we do not see instant results, we get discouraged and sometimes give up.  Walking in Faith is a must in order to achieve your goal.  Losing weight can be compared to a pregnant mother.  When a woman first finds out she is pregnant, she can't see the baby or feel the baby, but she knows the baby is inside her, growing and she knows that after 9 months of hard work, the beautiful end results will appear. 

Even though you cannot see the progress right away, it is working inside of you from the inside out and after weeks of consistent hard work, you will see the beautiful result! 

Things you must do to get over your weight loss problems:
(or any problem for that matter!)

Get out of denial -- The first step is to admit that there is a problem.

Eliminate Excuses -- Stop making excuses... "It's just too hard. I am too tired. I don't have time."  If you were awake enough and had time enough to eat your dinner, you have time.

Face truth -- No matter how painful you must realized that you have a problem that you caused.

Ask for help -- First ask the Holy Spirit, then other people.

Stop feeling sorry for yourself -- Self-pity is a form of false humility which is defined as someone who is vainly puffed up in their fleshy mind.

When you crave food, feed yourself with spiritual food, not junkfood.  What you put into your body determines what you will produce.  Do you want to produce junk or beauty?

Are your motivations fleshly or spiritual?  Do you just want to lose weight to look good in a swim suit for man, or do you want to lose weight because you know it will honor God and will bless you and everyone around you?  Do you want to get the opposite sex to eye you up and down, or do you want to set an example for your children or for others who have lost their self-control?  If your motivations are Godly, you cannot fail!  To be a Godly motivation, you have to make changes to the inside.  Change your will, your mind, your attitude.  Once you do this, then the changes happening on your outside will be a side-effect of that.  If you just focus on changing your outside, you will always fail because it is a fleshly effort.

And most important, God loves you no matter what you weigh, He sees you in the same adoration because he sees your soul.  Never believe that the only way God will love you is if you are in shape.  His will for us is to have life and life abundantly, to prosper in all we do, but we have to do our part.  We can't expect to live long, to be out of sickness, to feel good, if we don't follow His wisdom and honor our bodies.  We honor God when we honor our bodies and once you begin to do that, losing weight will come so easily because food will no longer replace your love for God.


Read About What I learned on top of a real Mountain

Click on the links below for details on how to change the mind, will and attitude



We live by faith, not sight. 2 Corinthians 5:7
What does it mean to be saved?
"Hope is the light at the end of a dark tunnel and faith is what leads you to it"........Krista