The weekend of October 22nd, I climbed two mountains at a Texas state park!  It wasn't extreme climbing with the ropes and such, but it did require a great amount skill to get up some steep areas and there were times you had to hang on for life! I was able to prove to myself once again that I am in shape. Tae Bo has really helped strengthen me and give me balance and abilities I have not had in a long time. I was able to go up the mountain fast! I also was able to conquer the fear of heights while going up. I would get nervous, but kept going. It was so freeing to get up there and not be out of breath, not be sore and not be terrified as in the past.

We climbed a second mountain with all our kids and I carried my 3 year old up and down the mountain. Wow, 27lbs in my arms! I sure had to have that Tae Bo balance to do that. But just think, had I done this a year and a half ago, I would have been carrying an extra 72lbs up that mountain. There was an overweight woman going up too and she was struggling and huffing and puffing, her family left her behind because she was so tired and slow. I felt so bad for her because that was me. Bless her.

I have been going to this state park for years for family reunions and had always dreaded it and always saw it has a grungy, disgusting, dirty place and hated to go. This year, it was SO BEAUTIFUL! I never realized how incredibly gorgeous everything was and wondered why all these years I had not noticed it before. It was because in the past, my poor attitude blinded me from the beauty. I was looking through negative eyes, therefore my eyes were deceiving me, kind of like when you look in the mirror and get upset at how you look. Your eyes are deceiving you!

Change your will, change your mind, change your attitude and you will be climbing all kinds of mountains right along with me! 

How did I ever not see the beauty before?  Your Eyes & Ears can be your biggest enemy!
Ain't No Mountain High Enough!
December 3rd, 2005, I overcame again by climbing this 30ft rockwall, something I had never done before and was quite nervous, but I made it to the bell.  Each day, I become stronger and conquer more.