My FIRST 5K Run---September 17. 2005
Last summer, I was over 200lbs and could barely walk 1/2 a block.  When our town had their annual 5K run last year and my husband entered, I wanted to be a part of it so badly, but knew I couldn't.  I was determined to be a part of it the following year and here I did it! 

Not only did I do it, but I placed 7th in my category and had a time of 28:07 which is considered a great time and most first time runners are 30 minutes or more.  I placed 69 in the entire race and there were about 125 people.  My favorite thing to do during the race was run up to teenagers and younger people and telling them, "Hey, I am 34, you are not going to let this old lady beat you are you?"  And it would motivate them to run faster.  One teenager said, "Hey, you could be my mom!"  He giggled and then began to run faster!

So I was very proud of this goal I reached and once again have proved that you can do ALL things through Christ who strengthens you, you can do anything you put your mind to.  Billy Blanks always says, "Where you are today is where your mind put you and where you are tomorrow is where your mind put you.  My mind put me running in this race and doing excellent and I did! 

Enjoy the pictures of the goal reaching day!  Here is a link to the official results.  You can also read about how I climbed two mountains a month later HERE.
Waiting for the horn to blow and start us off
I am feeling a little nervous!
My daughter Andreana was also running and I was so proud of her for making it through the entire thing
My husband ran it too and I was so proud because he shaved off a minute off his time last year and his time improves every year.  He is a big body builder type and running is not easy!
We finish!  Yippee!

My time:    28:07   (30-34 year olds)
John:         34.30   (30-34 year olds)
Andreana: 39.00   (10-14 year olds)

We all three plan to run again next year and improve our time even more!   
If I can do this, you can too, trust me!  Always find goals to set for yourself.  We have to constantly be reaching for higher ground, reaching to be the best we can be so we spend our lives getting better and better.  Life is so much more fun when you are constantly moving up and the example it sets for your loved ones is priceless!

Doing a monkey chain to get our numbers pinned on.
Had a great start, was closer to the front
Okay, no way is this older man going to get ahead of me! LOL!