CARDIO, FLEX and the BELIEVER'S WORKOUTS (Strength and Power Within) & Capture the Power 2004 are great workouts for beginners. I really think the Believer's workouts are great for people who feel they are too overweight to do Tae Bo®. It is a gentler workout, yet has great instruction and makes you break a sweat. Great foundation DVD's.
Once I felt confident with the basics, I moved up to CONTACT 1 & 2 and used the Billy Bag to improve form and focus and the GET RIPPED series for a more intense workout. I also love the 8 minute workout on Get Ripped. It is a great cardio workout for those short for time. At this time, I also added running into my routine. I would do 30 minutes of Taebo and then run 2 miles 3X a week and then lift weights 2 X a week.
When you are ready for some Resistance Training combined with Tae Bo®, It is time for Billy's Bootcamp and those famous Billy Bands! You will start sculpting that body with these babies! I have been considered advanced for awhile now and these DVD's still have me crying out and burning!
I like to change things up to keep my body guessing and prevent plateaus so I incorporate these great advanced workouts
My personal favorite
You can use 1-2lb hand weights and a step for a little step aerobics, but you get an awesome workout even without those items. I use 5lb weights for some of the routine. Billy is just so spirited in this one.
Now ELITE is out and wow, get ready to burn some FAT! Those weighted bands are awesome! The AB workout will amaze you!
And for my kids! My 3 year old loves this DVD the most and asked to do it every single day, especially when I am doing my DVD. She always checks both TV's and wonders why "The Tae Bo® Guy" can be on both TV's! :o)
I also use the Tae Bo® Energy Formula and take it an hour before I workout. It does give me an energy boost that is very helpful on sluggish days!
Example weekly workout
Monday: Strength Training/ Total Body Free Weight --60 min.
(You can do Extreme video or Elite Upper & Lower Body)
Tuesday: Get Ripped Advanced 1, 2, 3 or 4 or Run 2 miles or take a
Live Tae Bo® class
Wednesday: Strength Training/ Total Body Resistance Bands--60 min
(You can do a video like Ultimate Bootcamp)
Thursday: Fat Blasting Cardio or Run 2 miles or take a Live Tae Bo® class
Friday: Strength Training/ Total Body Stability Ball Routine---60 min