My name is Kelly and I have had quite a roller coaster ride this past year. Let me start off with some background information. I never really had a problem with weight during high school and was typically in a size 7/8. I was active in poms and volleyball, not until I went to college did I start seeing the scale tip in an unfavorable direction (although it didn’t get out of control because I had to walk everywhere i.e. class, social events, etc.). By the time I was a senior in college my dress size was at a size 13 and stayed there through my wedding.
When I became pregnant my weight sky rocketed as I ate whatever I wanted and gave up exercising for fear of hurting my baby. Two weeks after my son was born my appendix ruptured resulting in a complicated surgery that left me in and out of the hospital for the next month with infections, during this time I didn’t get to spend anytime with my new baby. This led to post-partum depression, I couldn’t sleep at night and I cried all day long, I turned to food for comfort. Quickly I became a size 18.
The turning point came with a visit to my surgeon’s office. While he was out of the room I got a glimpse of my medical file. In it was a physical description of me and a description of the surgery. I was shocked by the first sentence, in it read “female….obese.” I did not consider myself obese and the word stung me. I decided it was time to take control. I started off trying Pilates but didn’t like the “no sweat” factor. Next I worked with various exercise videos; working out for 30 minutes a day. Within 3 months I had lost approximately 20 lbs.
Even though I liked the weight loss, I had to force myself everyday to turn on the video and complete it. I wasn’t having any fun and was getting extremely bored. I knew I needed motivation…..more of the hard core workouts and less of the “dancing” style workouts. I wanted to challenge myself. Then one day I saw it…an infomercial for Billy Blanks Boot Camp. Of course, I am the type that likes to do research before I purchase a product. I wanted to make sure I was getting top quality for my money. I went on the Internet and looked for reviews about the Boot Camp videos from other people and was surprised to find that the videos received a 5 star rating from EVERYONE who had tried it. I knew this was for me!
Finally, I found the motivation and challenge I had been looking for, I found it in Billy Blanks and his team. I truly enjoy working out. I’ve learned so much along the way…I always stopped exercising as soon as I started to feel a burn; but with these videos I learned how to use my mind with exercise and continue to push myself past the initial burn. I have been working out for a total of 11 months now and have lost approximately 58 pounds and am now in a size 6! I am hooked on exercise and on Billy Blanks videos! I am excited to see what he and his team come up with next! Even though I am not at my goal weight, I know I am on my way because Billy has changed the way I think about exercise. My husband and I are going on a long-awaited honeymoon to Las Vegas in August and I know I will be close, if not at my goal for the trip! It’s not just about the destination for me anymore, it’s the journey. Exercise is a part of my life.
Thank you Billy, Shellie, and the rest of the team for helping me realize that I am capable of achieving more that I ever thought I could.
5’ 6”
START WEIGHT: 189 lbs.
58 lbs.
130 lbs.
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