My whole life I was always told how pretty my face was, but I could be even more pretty if I lost a few pounds.  Being told that I wasn't good enough just made me feel even worse, in result all I would do is eat and eat.  Walking into any room I would feel as if everyone was making fun of my weight I would cry and pray to god that he would help me and just take my weight away. Taking diet pills, and those diet drinks never worked for me I would do them for about a week then lose hope.  Then finally one day about two years ago I decided I wanted to change my way of life and purchased a Tae Bo tape, I was instantly hooked I loved it.  I started with one tape and evenly purchased the 8 Tae Bo Live tapes.  Billy always kept me motivated and I even started to eat better and control my appetite.  About 9 months later the pounds just started to shed off, I was amazed, I didn't even recognize the person I was seeing in the mirror anymore.  Then I saw the Billy's Boot Camp and I had to have it, so me and my mom, who is also a Billy fanatic purchased the tapes, it was great, new workouts that pushed me to my limits!  Billy has changed my life, I don't hate myself anymore...I am proud of what I accomplish with the help of Billy and his motivated talks that kept me moving.   To this day I see friends from highschool that don't even know its me until I talk to them...when they tell me how good I look it encourages me to do more with my life and don't settle for second best.  Billy hasn't only changed my body but the way I think as well.

My Start weight:  175 Lbs.
My Current weight: 130 Lbs.
Total Weight Lost:    45 Lbs.

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